Thursday, April 9, 2009

Elephants are amazing...

I recently had the privilege of an upclose encounter with Elephants at the Pittsburgh Zoo. The sheer size, mass, and power of them is spectacular! The photo is me and some coworkers behind the scenes inside the pen with the elephants. While this photo was being taken, we heard a a blood curdling rumble. The zoo keeper explained that it was a purr, but to me it sounded like a scary, if not terrifying roar. I was ready to run, but did my best to maintain composure for this great photo opportunity.

Thank goodness this did not turn into an episode of "when animals attack". I can picture my friends and family now saying, "why was he even back there to begin with?". As stupid as I may have been to go into "their" chamber, I will forever cherish my moment with the majestic beasts.

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