Friday, May 16, 2008

RE: Dearly Beloved

Young!!!.... Why?????
All I can say is you need to come back home. You have been away from SE DC for too long (smile). YOU KNOW BETTER!!!
Young, you better hope that Kenny Brewton!!!!, Eric, Drew, Wendell, Garland, Terry, etc. do not see this picture of YOU!!! They are going to FRY you!!! AND ME!!!! AND KENDRA!!!! (I had to throw you in too Kendra because he is your brother too!)
Derek, your cool card is about to be revoked if it hasn't already expired!!!
There is just something about lace and ruffles on a grown ass man at 37 that just ain't right! I can not see your feet so please tell me you had on regular shoes and not some platform joints!!! Please tell me you had some Timbs on or something, please (smile).
Anyway, I just want you to know that as your older brother this is also a direct reflection on me. People will wonder if I set the right example, if there was ever a time where you saw me wear some lace and ruffles and figured that it must be ok. I would like the record to reflect that in my 42 years of living that I can honestly say that I have never worn lace, ruffles, a church lady hat, nor made a facial pose like the one you are making in this picture. (smile)
And you are absolutely right that even the worse of Bamas would not understand what you and Tina were doing. I don't even think Prince and Apollonia would understand what you two were doing!!! And by the way, what is up with the Batman belt on a Prince outfit???
Tina, Tina, Tina...
See if I was Barack Obama right now, yall would really be making it impossible for me to get elected right now!!!
Kendra we need to meet and discuss how we handle this one, should we go with the "you see he was adopted story, or we got different Daddy's story, or that he was dropped on his head a couple of times between birth and 37 yrs old story!!!!"
WTF!!!! - Please do not let Drew or Kenny B get a hold of this, P-L-E-A-S-E!!!
And Mom G, what do you say to something like this.... "That's my boy.... in lace... and ruffles.... with a batman belt on.... at 37 yrs old..... in May!!!" How do you explain this as a Mother???? This is why pregnant mothers should not eat junk food or drink sodas while they are pregnant, or tell everyone they know that "PURPLE IS MY FAVORITE COLOR!!!"
It isn't even October! Man, I hope that there were no children around in this museum when you two were looking like this!!
I love you like a younger brother always... you know I am jokingly serious.
Que Gaskins

From: Derek Gaskins []
Sent: Fri 5/9/2008 9:48 PM
To: Tina Gaskins; Samuel Richardson; Que Gaskins; Mary Gaskins; Marty Johnson; Kendra Gaskins; Glamourlife Blog
Subject: Dearly Beloved

Prince and Appollonia are straight representing. I need Morris, 
Jerome, Sheila E, Madonna, etc to make it official. Bamas don't 
understand how we killing them.

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