Saturday, April 19, 2008

Whip Appeal

This weather really has me feeling for a drop.  I wanted to scour the web, and hit up my favorite sites for car deals to see if a vicious convertible could be had for under $25K  The contenders included Porsche Boxsters, Jaguar XKs, MB CLKs, and 3 series Bimmers.  The best bang for the buck that would snap necks but still keep your bank account in check is the Porsche Boxster.  We would take ours in S guise, and get an 03 or 05.  

They came out new in 97' and in the past 11 years there have been very few changes.  Some highlighted years rich with features include 2000 which saw extensive interior and minor performance enhancements, 2003 which FINALLY saw the introduction of the glass rear windows, and 2005 which was the first semi-major update of the entire model.  By and large however, the Boxster has stayed true to its original 97 flawless design.  That blueprint was one of the tightest ever! You could rock an year Boxtster, and feel like you are pushing an exotic.  And deals can be had on low mile ones for $20K.  Our best pick though can be found right here...

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