I have always said the Kentucky Derby Weekend is one of the best kept secrets in the world. Louisville is an amazing city, and the Derby weekend is when it shines the brightest.
The first weekend in May, is a marvelous display of fashion, hospitality, and true glamour. As the longest running sports championship in America, the Kentucky Derby has managed to adhere to the pomp and circumstance of yesterday, while attracting legions of loyal fashionistas. Today you can rub elboys with the biggest stars from Hollywood and Music, and also network with true market millionaires and mavens. All are attracted by the greatest 2 minutes in all of Sports.
Like the Superbowl, Championship prize fighting, NBA All Star Weekend, and other over sized sports events, the Derby has a whole scene and culture that has developed around it. For the past 8 years, we have been at the center of that with the hottest after hours parties in the region. This past weekend's events were no different. We want to give special thanks to the city of Louisville, the State of Kentucky, and all the beautiful people that made our events memorable. We can't wait for next year, the 136th running of what I believe to be the greatest championship event in the world.
Let's GO!!!
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